

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/PhotoGallery/PhotoGallery/2013-01-06 River Valley Nature Center


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Category: Hike Reports
Hits: 112

In a self-help attempt to treat an acute attack of cabin fever and seasonal overindulgence, two score and more TrailBlazers and 2 canines under the command of Captain Kenya hotfooted it over to the Nature Center to get the lead out on one of our Sunday afternoon strolls. We were happy to see many of our regulars as well as some newcomers and children aka TrailBlazers-in-training. The weather cooperated with sunny skies and only slightly cool temps, a big improvement over some of the recent chilly days.


We were treated to a knee-friendly trek so we could visit and enjoy ourselves as we headed out from the parking lot, crossed a bridge and then headed up the road to the Amphitheater with its panoramic view of Fort Smith. There wasn’t a lot of color due to the drought and leaf off, but there was a lot to see. We meandered our way back another way with some people heading straight back to the parking lot and some continuing down another trail. Before Yours Truly left, she ran into Becky who arrived late after attending a meeting and was surprised that we were done already! 

Today was only a warm-up, so we all better return next week do some real trekking on Redding Loop and see the great view from Spy Rock. Becky, we won’t finish that fast next Saturday! Y’all come!

{gallery}PhotoGallery/2013-01-06 River Valley Nature Center{/gallery}