Here’s the scoop from guest reporter Patty: Seven Trailblazers opted for a kinder, gentler hike at Robbers Cave State Park near Wilburton, Oklahoma, on Saturday. The heavily wooded Coon Creek Ridge Trail led us to an area of crevices, large rock formations, and a scenic bluff offering a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. Billigene was happy to find a service berry in full bloom. We followed an adjacent trail down to Coon Creek and enjoyed lunch in a pretty area complete with a waterfall. A couple brave TrailBlazers even made their way across the creek while the rest of us took bets on whether they would make it back to us drenched or dry. After hiking, we enjoyed the wildlife museum and heritage center located in the visitor center. Lastly, we explored Robbers Cave, where the likes of Belle Starr and Jesse James hid out long ago. The area is very rocky and offers fantastic views. We even watched some rappellers before making our way back to Fort Smith. It was a glorious day to be outside enjoying a beautiful eastern Oklahoma park. 

Billigene reports that it was a delightful hike in perfect conditions led by our very own Bonanza Bob who maintained a nice middle-aged pace that didn’t leave them breathless – amen to that!